Welcome to Taste Message

Welcome to Taste Message! 🎉

We’re so glad you joined our community, and can’t wait to share our favorite treat recommendations with you! 🥨🫐🥟🍒🧁 

This newsletter is for anyone who:

  • Loves snacking

  • Wants to try new foods

  • Thinks food is fun

If that sounds like you, then here is what to expect:

  • ✉️ An email every Monday at 11 AM PST

  • 🍭 Food and drink recommendations, and where to buy them

  • 🙅‍♀️ No negativity, we believe food is fun

  • ⏩ Just 3 minutes or less of reading

If you want to make sure you get everything - drag this email into your primary inbox when it arrives. Otherwise, it’ll be buried underneath your other emails… and you’ll never see it… so drag that email into primary!

See you Monday… 🙂